Halloween…what the hell!
What I witnessed this evening chilled me to the bone!
Something really strange happened last night. I was just minding my own business, lying in my usual position on my handcrafted bay window bed, and a cluster of small people dressed as goolies were hovering around our street with plastic buckets. They were going from house to house and knocking the doors. The people who answered the doors seemed to be giving the small humans things to put in their buckets and if they reached a house where nobody responded to the knock at the door, they proceeded to throw eggs at the house….eggs! I mean, literally WTF! Eggs are the food of the Dogs, wasting of such precious items is sacrilege. Do they not understand that this is downright irresponsible, particularly as we are in a cost-of-living crisis. How on earth can these small humans, who I assume don’t have jobs afford such luxury items anyway.
When they finally reached our door, I managed to peek inside their buckets to see they were full of brightly coloured sweets and chocolates. My male human answered the door and the little goolies said, “trick or treat”, my human responded something along the lines of, “oh, hang on a minute, I don’t think I have got anything for you. I didn’t realise it was Halloween”. He then ran off to the kitchen, I kept guard and made sure none of the little people crossed into our abode. He then returned with a bowl full of satsumas and offered them out. Without exception they all turned their noses up and walked off…. how rude. Although, I was later informed by a friend who is clued up on Halloween traditions that offering satsumas to children who are trick, or treating is practically social suicide and that we were lucky we didn’t get our house burnt down.
What a random chain of events, although I did make a mental note that next year if I can escape from the house during trick or treating that there may be some egg to be licked off windows.
Whatever next!
On reflection, I think I meant ghoulies not goolies!